My name is Roy Ward. I specialize in writing highly optimized code.

I have expertise in optimization, algorithms, data structures, compilers, microprocessor architecture, assemblers, operating systems, number representation, concurrency and compression. I have over 20 years of full-time experience building high performance and low memory solutions, resulting in 12 US and 7 international software patents.

I have a deep understanding of what is going on at all levels, from digital circuitry, CPU design, assembly, higher level languages, data structures, all the way to compilers and operating systems, and I apply this multi-level understanding to everything I do. I also bring to bear my strong mathematics skills which help direct me towards a highly efficient solution to whatever problem I am working on.

I am currently seeking interesting and challenging work using these skills.

This is a portfolio website for some of the projects that I have been involved with. Like everything in life, it is a work in progress.

Work and views presented here are my own.

Contact        Linkedin        Resume        Useful/Interesting External Links

Galaxy Generator Project - generate and navigate around a 400 billion star galaxy, on Android, Linux and Windows. Pre-alpha downloads now available for Android, Linux and Windows.

Open source projects

Pseudo-Double        Random Variate Poisson        Proof of concept Prolog Compiler


Note About blog postings: I have been much busier the last few months, so blog postings have become much more sporadic. Here are some notes about how I select topics. Next up: ‘Using processor vectorization for fast N-Queens’.