Notes for downloading Galaxy*.exe

If you are running something like Windows Defender Smartscreen, you may get a message suggesting to block running this because of “Unknown Publisher”. This is because this is a new binary and I don’t yet have a Windows Code Signing Certificate, but if you have downloaded it from, this is the same executable that was generated from my development machine as described below.

I have also had reports that some virus scanners detect this as a trojan. To the best of my knowledge, these reports are false positives, and this is a common problem. The usual way to deal with this is to contact the scanners’ companies and get them to make an exception, but that is not practical with the frequency of releases.

This software is written in C++ and was built on a machine running Windows 11 Home 22H2 which is kept up to date with patches, using Visual Studio 2022 17.8.6. The machine has scanned clean with Microsoft Defender Antivirus, including doing an offline scan.

Apart from the libraries listed below, all the code has been written or checked by me and contains nothing nefarious.

This software currently does not perform any network access, and the Windows version has no file access apart from running the executable and saving and loading the game state. The only I/O should be the screen (through GLFW and Vulkan, or some sort of message box if Vulkan is not supported), the keyboard, the mouse, and access to the file system for the purpose of save files only. It should run just fine inside a sandbox if you want to be extra careful about security (it does run on Wine, abeit a little slowly).

Software libraries used to build this (all Open Source):

  • Vulkan SDK (dynamically linked)

  • GLFW 3.3.8 (statically linked)

  • Dear ImGui (master branch, code included in build)

  • Boost 1.83.0 (program-options)

  • glm (header only library)

  • xxHash (code included in build)